Address: 2820 Ingleton Ave., Burnaby, BC V5C 6G7
Phone Number: +1-604-435-4431
Gallery Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Warehouse Hours: Monday to Friday – 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Closed on weekends
Finding us. . .
The Margranite Slab Gallery is located on the lower level our building. The entrance can be found on the North-East side of the building, via the Margranite Order Desk.
Customer parking is located on the left hand side of the entry way. Please park in the designated parking spots to avoid disruption of the delivery/container trucks and forklift traffic.
1) Left turn into the lower level driveway off of Ingleton Ave.
2) Park diagonally along the fence.
3) Walk to and up the stairs (indicated by the star). Look for the Margranite Order Desk sign.
4) Entrance to the Slab Gallery will be through the Margranite Order Desk.